Lithograph of Harbison Hives.
From the Alpine Historical Society Collection.
There are many ways to contribute to the Alpine Historical Society and to continue to preserve the history of the community. They include:
Volunteering to perform many of the tasks required to maintain our pioneer houses and document the history of Alpine.
Donating artifacts for display in our museum.
Donating funds to help maintain our pioneer houses and enhance displays.
Including the Alpine Historical Society in your will can be a convenient way to leave a lasting legacy to your community. The development of Heritage Park, educational programs and preservation of the history of Alpine will be made possible by people who had the foresight to include the Alpine Historical Society in their estate plan.
After providing for loved ones, your will can carry out your wishes by directing that a gift be made in one, or a combination of, the following ways:
Bequests should read as follows: “I bequeath to the Alpine Historical and Conservation Society (our legal name), ________, to be used for the support of the Society’s programs.”
The Society is available to consult with your attorneyabout the best way to use your will, living will, trust, insurance policy or other estate plan to help develop and maintain the historic resources in Alpine. Your attorney can provide you with details about the estate benefits that can result from your bequest.
If you have already included the Society in your estate plan, please let us know so that we may thank you.